Panels A, B, C, E, and F in Luminance 21x90s each. Rotated 35 degrees CCW to restore north up.
Captured three additional panels last night: C, E, and F. The plan was to also capture G but a cloud bank interfered with F. Waited for clouds to pass but by then G was not possible due to the meridian and dawn.
The weather forecast says that this coming Saturday may be favorable. It will be my last chance to capture G for two weeks due to the Moon.
Panels A and B in Luminance 21x90s each. Rotated 35 degrees CCW to restore north up.
Six more panels to go in Luminance! And then to do eight panels in Red, eight panels in Green, and eight panels in Blue. Lot’s to do but the results are encouraging.
For perspective here is Panel A:
Panel A in Luminance 21x90s
and here is Panel B:
Panel B in Luminance 21x90s
Astro Pixel Processor (APP) for imaging processing and mosaic creation. INDI/Ekos used for image capture.
Astro Pixel Processor (APP) has a powerful tool for creating mosaics. Last night I tested it out. The result is stunning:
My camera has a small field-of-view. It cannot fit the entire nebula in one shot. It must be broken up into two panels. Here is a screenshot of my planetarium software C2A. I used it to plan where to position the telescope. The two overlapping red rectangles indicate the framing. As shown there must be some overlap in order for APP to do its magic:
Each panel consists of 50 individual images using a 73-second exposure. The first step in creating the mosaic is to stack those 50 images to create the upper panel:
Followed by the lower panel:
By the way you may have noticed when you enlarge each image that the stars look square. That was due to the choice I made to capture each image using 2×2 binning, essentially reducing each 2×2 matrix of pixels to one pixel. I did that to boost the signal-to-noise ratio at the cost of resolution. The luminance filter was used for all images, no narrowband.
This summer and fall I plan to create a 15-panel color mosaic of the Andromeda Galaxy.
The Cocoon Nebula lies in the constellation Cygnus in one of the nearby arms of our Milky Way galaxy. In the distant past the nebula gave birth to a cluster of highly energetic stars. The energy from those stars ionize the hydrogen gas, causing it to glow red. The technical classification of this nebula is IC 5146, a bright emission nebula, but there is another nebula, a dark nebula named Barnard 168. You can see hints of it immediately surrounding IC 5146, a region relatively devoid of stars that extend to the upper right-hand corner of the frame. In fact this dark nebula extends a great distance from what you see here. Do an internet search of “Cocoon Nebula” to see wide-field images that show it. If you live atop a mountain or somewhere with exceptionally clear skies away from city lights, dark nebulae can be seen as smokey gray regions.
This was an experiment that fortunately succeeded. I say fortunately because it enables me to practice both astrophotography and photometry using only four filters instead of the usual six. Normally astrophotography requires four filters: luminance, red, green, and blue (LRGB for short). Photometry requires a minimum of two filters: “V” and “B”.
My filter wheel has only five slots. So how did I fit six filters into five slots? I didn’t. I simply replaced the G and B filters with the photometric V and B. I call it LRVB instead of LRGB.
The photometric V filter looks green when you hold it up to light and the B filter looks blue. I knew for a fact that I needed to “white balance” them in order to determine the proper exposure for each. I performed that task last week. I thought it would end there but I was mistaken.
When the time finally came to process all of the images I was disappointed. The colors were muddy looking. What was the problem? The answer lies in the dissimilar spectral response of the filters. The traditional G filter passes light between 500nm and 600nm whereas the photometric V filter passes light between 475nm and 650nm. So the V filter passes some light into what is traditionally the blue and red bands! Furthermore the photometric B filter is slow to pick up light in the blue band but is aggressive in deep blue to ultraviolet.
The solution was found in AstroPixelProcessor (APP) which provides a tool to combine the individual LRVB stacks into a single color composite image. Originally I told APP to assign 100% of the V-stack to the green channel but that resulted in muddy colors. This time I told it to assign 75% to the green channel and 25% to the blue channel. That was the solution!
The technical details
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Atik 314E CCD (cooled but not set-point) Optolong Luminance and Red filters Astrodon Photometric V and B filters Unitron Model 142 German Equatorial Mount. Tracking: Own design Permanent Periodic Error Correction (PPEC) using stepper motor and Raspberry Pi Model 3B. Flat-fielder: Own design “The Flatinator”
Exposure: Luminance (binning 1×1): 70x 60s using Optolong Luminance filter Red (binning 2×2): 70x 73s using Optolong Red filter Green (binning 2×2): 70x 45s using Astrodon Photometric V filter Blue (binning 2×2): 70x 92s using Astrodon Photometric B filter
Flats: 50 each filter Darks: 50 each filter Bias: 100x 1ms
Total Integration Time: 5.25 hours
Captured with Astroberry/INDI/Ekos on Raspberry Pi Model 3B+. Processed in Astro Pixel Processor (APP) and GIMP. White Balancing using a method described by Al Kelly: “White Balancing RGB Filters with a G2V Star”
Bortle 5 site Transparency: Average Seeing: Average
The Dumbbell Nebula was discovered in
1764 by famed French astronomer and comet hunter Charles Messier. It
is the 27th object in his eponymous catalog, better known as M27.
The hot central star, which can be seen
in this image, is in one of its last evolutionary stages. The gases
were ejected about 9,800 years ago based on the expansion rate
determined by a group of researchers in 1970.
The intense ultraviolet radiation from
the central star causes the gas atoms of the nebula to emit light in
the visible spectrum. The color of the light is significant. Red
indicates hydrogen and green indicates oxygen. M27 is known as an
emission nebula for that reason. Another type of nebula is a
reflection nebula which only reflects the light of nearby stars.
The color of ionized oxygen is green in my image. Other photos may show it as bluish-green or cyan. The actual color is in indeed cyan. This discrepancy has to do with my camera’s filters. There are many decisions when purchasing filters, chief among them is how they handle ionized oxygen, so-called OIII regions at 501nm wavelength. OIII is right at the dividing line between the green and blue filters. My green filter passes nearly all of the OIII light; relatively little passes through the blue filter. Other manufacturers design their filters to pass equal amounts of OIII in both the green and blue filters, giving you cyan. This highlights the challenges of properly imaging emission nebulae. All other colors are accurate, including star colors.
This image is the first done with my
new $400 CCD camera: Atik 314E. It is “new” to me but the
camera is actually 10 years old. This is an outstanding price for a
quality CCD camera. You can easily spend $2,000 or more for newer CCD
CCD image quality is superior to CMOS in my opinion. The more experience I gain in astrophotography the more convinced I am that one size does not fit all. Before anything you must answer the question: what is my goal? If your answer is lunar and planetary imaging then CMOS is right for you. If your answer is deep-sky, like nebulae and galaxies, then CCD is the choice.
One closing remark about my image: you may have noticed a faint reddish cast to the leftmost two-thirds of the image. This is not light pollution. It is the Milky Way.
Here are the technical details for
those who would like to duplicate my results:
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Atik 314E CCD (cooled but not set-point) Optolong LRGB filters Unitron Model 142 German Equatorial Mount (GEM) — 50 years old. Tracking: Own design Periodic Error Correction (PEC) using stepper motor and Raspberry Pi. Flat-fielder: Own design “The Flatinator”
Exposure: Luminance (binning 1×1): 30x 60s Red (binning 2×2): 30x 73s Green (binning 2×2): 30x 45s Blue (binning 2×2): 30x 61s
Flats: 50 each filter Darks: 50 each filter Bias (1×1): 100x 1ms Bias (2×2): 100x 1ms
Total Integration Time: 120m
Captured with INDI/Ekos running on Raspberry Pi. Processed in Astro Pixel Processor (APP) and GIMP. White Balancing using a method described by Al Kelly: “White Balancing RGB Filters with a G2V Star”
Bortle 5 site Transparency: Above Average Seeing: Average
This was my first attempt at color with a monochrome camera. It was a real learning experience.
The image you see uses synthetic luminance which I created from the RGB stacks with the help of StarTools. A couple weeks earlier, I imaged in actual luminance but made the mistake of not taking the full suite of calibration frames. This failure affected its appearance so I rejected it in favor of synthetic luminance.
Factoid: NGC 6791 is an enigma. The stars are twice as old as our Sun but have an Iron-to-Hydrogen abundance ratio (metallicity) that is more than twice that of the Sun. This flies in the face of the rule of thumb that “older means metal-poor”. NGC 6791 is one of the most studied star clusters
Technical Details:
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Altair 290M camera (uncooled) Optolong LRGB filters Unitron Model 142 GEM Passive tracking with PEC No active guiding
I am not sure if Fish Head Nebula is official but people do refer to it as such. It is part of the Heart Nebula but it has a different NGC designation.
Technical Details:
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Altair 290M camera (uncooled) Optolong luminance filter Unitron Model 142 GEM Passive tracking with PEC No active guiding
Gain 100 (FWD: 15ke-, 3.66 e-/ADU) Offset: 20 ADU Exposure: 50s Camera rotation: 3.8 deg E of N
SharpCap 3.1.5219 PIPP 2.5.9 Deep Sky Stacker 3.3.2 StarTools
In these past couple weeks I’ve transitioned away from using Deep Sky Stacker and StarTools to using Astro Pixel Processor (APP). Here is a comparison of the two.
Deep Sky Stacker and StarTools:
Astro Pixel Processor (APP):
I like the APP image better. I am hoping that APP’s developer (Mabula) is working on noise reduction controls.
This summer I plan on re-imaging this object using Gain 200 instead of Gain 100. I have reason to believe that the bright stars will be less ‘fat’ since this bothers me. Recently I’ve experimented with Gain 200 and found that it greatly improves stars and reduces noise. The trade-off is that it lowers my full well depth from 15,000 electrons to 7,500 electrons. It will be an interesting experiment!
I really do like my uncooled Altair 290M camera but one thing is missing: a sensor temperature readout. This has stood in my way of creating a Darks Library. Having a Darks Library would free up my time to concentrate on capturing Light frames.
There is nothing worse than having to waste an hour collecting darks under the stars. Furthermore, I committed the sin of collecting darks after my lights when the temperature was usually much cooler (if anything, you should collect them before.) So I was getting sub-optimal noisy images with the hint of raining noise when the temperature of my darks were very different than my lights.
I decided to do something about it. I built a Temperature Logger with an Arduino, a high-precision temperature sensor having an accuracy of 0.25C, an SD card reader/writer, and a LIPO battery. I position the unit near my telescope. It records ambient temperature once per minute and writes it with a timestamp to the SD card. I’ve had it running for 11 hours straight on a single charge. It could probably go longer.
On those cloudy nights I collect darks. Then the following morning I download the image files and the temperature log, and segregate the image files by temperature. These past couple nights the weather cleared to try it all out. I like the results. Smoother, less noisy prints with no hint of raining noise.
Technical Details:
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Altair 290M camera (uncooled) Optolong luminance filter Unitron Model 142 GEM Passive tracking with PEC No active guiding
Gain 100 (FWD: 15ke-, 3.66 e-/ADU) Offset: 20 ADU Exposure: 50s Camera rotation: 3.8 deg E of N
The inspiration for this image came from Sara Wager — an incredible, creamy smooth color image using three narrowband filters and over 37 hours total integration time. My equipment doesn’t come close to hers but I wanted to give it a try.
Due to a spate of bad weather I could only manage one clear night to image in Hydrogen-Alpha (Ha). That explains why my image is black & white and Sara’s is color.
Another obvious difference is that my image is ‘noisier’. The primary reason is that Sara’s camera is cooled and mine is not. Images from cooled cameras suffer less from thermal noise. Finally, she’s got 37 hours of integration time and I’ve got 2 hours. Noise tends to cancel with increased time due to its random nature
Technical Details:
William Optics 71mm f/5.9 Altair 290M camera (uncooled) Orion 6nm Hydrogen Alpha filter Unitron Model 142 GEM Passive tracking with PEC No active guiding
Gain 389 (1.0 e-/ADU, FWD: 4ke-, Read Noise: 1.38e-) Offset: 30 ADU Exposure: 200s Camera rotation: 355 deg E of N
Ha: 48.0 degF: 8 frames 48.5 degF: 21 frames 49.0 degF: 11 frames 49.5 degF: 1 frames Darks: 48.0 degF: 20 frames 48.5 degF: 21 frames 49.0 degF: 32 frames 49.5 degF: 29 frames Flats: 50 Bias: 100 Temperature-matching disabled until I have more darks per temperature bucket. Total integration time: 136 minutes
75% waning gibbous Moon high in the sky
SharpCap 3.1.5219 PIPP 2.5.9 Deep Sky Stacker 3.3.2 StarTools
This is a work in progress with the goal being a color image. As more data becomes available I will post updates.
Spiral galaxies like M101 contain ionized hydrogen regions. This is where star formation occurs and it is mainly found in the arms of the galaxy. There is a type of narrowband filter which is designed to pass the Hydrogen Alpha (Ha) emission line. This photo was taken with an Ha filter.
One of the advantages of imaging in narrowband is that it can be performed during all phases of the Moon. In fact, the Moon was 91% illuminated when I acquired this image. The downside is that the required exposure is quite long: 3 minutes 20 seconds for each of the 32 frames in this case. Wideband imaging, by comparison, typically uses exposures in the range of 30 to 60 seconds but images will be washed out by the light of the Moon. Wideband filters are typically named Luminance, Red, Green, and Blue (i.e. LRGB).
As this project matures to color I will provide more detailed technical information. The image shown above is a screenshot of Astro Pixel Processor (APP).